Thursday, June 29, 2017

June Report!

June! We spent tons of time outside this month playing with friends, digging in the dirt, juggling a smiling baby, and catching fireflies. It's been a great summer and it's just getting started! I can't believe we are going to have a one year old in a month and a five year old in six months! Just look at those babies! Callie can crawl into the chair herself and rock. She's so proud of herself when she makes it. 
  • When Polly has an idea or figures something out she says, "I think I know something!" and then explains her discovery. I hope she always says this with such excitement and pride. Watching her learn and grow is the best thing in the world!
  • Why do kids turn in to thirsty monsters at bath time and bedtime? Polly and Callie both can't stop drinking bath water and it drives me crazy. At bedtime Polly develops a cough every night, sometimes it's legit and sometimes it's an elaborate delay tactic. 
  • Callie is days away from walking. She wants it so badly. She is becoming her own little person with her own demands. She wakes up in the morning smiling and as soon as I pick her up she begins pointing to where she wants to go and what she wants. She already thinks she's in charge. I feel like the second she starts walking she'll suddenly not be a baby anymore and I'm not ready but I do look forward to the day when the two girls can play together and it's not mostly Polly dragging her around or taking her toys. 
  • We were all eating lunch at Ikea last weekend and Polly was being a pain about eating. She was moving so slow and finding 101 distractions. Ben finally ask rhetorically, "what are we going to do with you Polly?" to which Polly replied, leaning back in her chair in a true problem-solving fashion, "well you're not going to kick me out of the house, people don't kick their child out of the house." We laughed so hard we both had tears streaming down our faces. I couldn't breathe. Moments later Ben and I are sitting on either side of Polly and I'm trying to spoon some vegetables into her face. We are both fussing at her when she suddenly looks forward with a furrowed brow, points her right finger at me while staring forward and then her left hand dramatically at Ben while keeping a steady finger pointed in my direction. Then she quickly brings her two fingers in front of her face to form an X. Ben and I try to keep straight faces but we burst into laughter AGAIN tears streaming down our faces. She then says "X is mean!" It's so hard to keep a straight face when we are supposed to! Most days I think we're failing at this parenting thing.
  • I think Polly has her first crush. It's terrifying. Hopefully I'm projecting but she talks about Milo an awful lot. 
  • Callie has two bottom teeth! Both of my kids took forever to get teeth so this time around didn't freak me out too badly. She's getting very demanding about us sharing what we are eating with her.
  • She's also waving bye and loves her books at night. Right now she loves Brown Bear, Brown Bear but she turns the pages so quickly that I have to read it in super speed. 

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