It was a tough choice to pick the best fake animal band name but I have to say that Matt's made me laugh out loud so I went with that one. I decided to use my budding Adobe Illustrator skillz to make an album cover. You should check out his blog.
This is one of my favorite artists, perhaps my favorite. When I first discovered him several years ago I had many moments of wanting to give up because his work is so good that I felt that I couldn't possibly make anything as great. He draws often using the same sheet of paper to create his animation. He draws, takes a photo, erases, makes a small change, takes a photo, and so on. The result is beautiful and eerie. You can find more of his videos on Youtube.
I made this 4x6 inch painting a few weeks ago. I think I have nearly 40 or so out of 100. I'm starting to think I want more then 100 but I guess I should find a place to show them and then decide. Hmmmmmm.
I have to admit that I'm feeling a little lost without my self-portrait challenge today. I have to come up with something to post. Ugh.
Bad Veins has been in the negotiation phase with Dangerbird Records. We are really excited about this development and the people at the label seem really supportive and nice from what I hear. It has brought full circle what I've been noticing for a while, there are a ridiculous amount of bands out there, in this case a record label, with animal names. I am going to list as many as I can think of here. I know I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night and think of one. Some of these bands have been around for a while but I've been noticing a silly trend and it needs to stop. I have to say I love about 90% of these bands music but come on! While attaching all of these links I did discover a few awesome sights. For fun I would like for you to try to come up with an awesome animal band name. The winner will receive one animal band mixed CD from me. Poll closes on Saturday February 28th.
I had grand ideas of making the last one the best one but a lazy day on the couch killed that ambition and frankly after 365 of these damn things it was just too much pressure. So instead of awesome I decided to uses two of my three main ways of documenting this self-portrait project by using my handy camera and Photobooth. I originally got the 365 self-portrait idea from this blog. I didn't think that I would finish but today is the day. I have to say that I did like having a task to do everyday. I also learned that I always have bags under my eyes and now I'm researching bag remedies. I would recommend this project to someone having a hard time blogging regularly. It has definitely gotten me in the habit and helped me form regular followers who must be as glad for me to move on from this project as I am. It also has been a great way to track memories. There are particular photos that I remember so distinctly, when I look at them, what I was going through at that moment. I'm hoping to continue to blog daily either posting a photo, video, something! You may see my face pop up from time to time. Sorry. Thanks for playin'.
This is what I look like when I'm sitting at my computer at night in my pajamas waiting for the Nyquil to kick in. My immune system has decided to take a vacation leaving me defenseless to every sneeze that erupts near me. It's driving me mad. I can't wait until spring.
I think I captured frustrated concentration in this one while in my Adobe Illustrator class. This is the rough draft of my logo project. I'm trying to turn the font that Bad Veins uses into a logo. I want to slowly get away from the original font but keep the same feeling. Right now I think the flowers look like cotton. I like cotton.
I think. I never know if I'm finished, I just get to a point where I don't completely hate it. So, I'm thinking about starting a monthly art/craft night in Northside. I know a lot of crafters that don't exactly know one another. Check out the poll on the right and make your pick. My next step will be to secure a spot. I'm hoping to start in March.
In my Adobe Illustrator class which was one of my goals for the year. Today was mostly lecture but hopefully I'll have some fun work to show in the next few weeks. Note to self: Brush hair before leaving house. Yikes!
I don't feel like I've been challenging myself creatively these days. I think this self-portrait is evidence of that. I need to get into the habit of looking at art more. I need to spend more time flushing out all of the ideas that float around in my head that are never fully realized. Maybe that will be the focus of my next challenge after this self-portrait thing is done. I need to be looking more. I also need to get back into my crafty craftyness.
I've spent the majority of this weekend on the couch sick for what seems like the 100th time this winter. I did leave the house to go see the movie Milk which was very good, it made me cry a lot. I don't really wear a lot of makeup but I rarely leave the house without putting on mascara. It's refreshing not to sometimes, like today. These thoughts really have nothing to do with one another.