Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Polly and Callie Overdue Update

Uh oh! It's May!

Soooooo life happened over these past few months and I just couldn't sit down to write a blog post. Here's a list of all of my excuses:

  • My sister, mom and nephew came for a much needed visit at the end of March. We ate, we laughed, we drank adult beverages and I never made the time to write about life because I was busy doing life.
  • My cat died shortly after their visit. That really sucked. Oscar was my favorite and I still think I see him out of the corner of my eye daily. Gusto, our other cat, misses his buddy and is driving us insane. He had been sick for a while and we had to make the tough decision to put him down. That was harder than I expected. 
  • Winter killed my soul and just wouldn't end this year.
  • Crafty Supermarket took over my life but it turned out to be the biggest spring show yet! I was a proud mama of a indie craft show that day.
  • Work. Work. Work. This is a busy time of year for me. It really starts hitting in March and just doesn't stop until about September. Half way there! 
  • These kids are exhausting. For real.
  • I just didn't feel like it.
Phew! That feels better. The good news is I took pics each month anyways so here they are! 

If you are still there, here's what's been going on with these girls:
  • Callie is a tiny crazy person. I thought Polly was strong willed, determined, bossy (I even hate using that word to describe girls but it's true), and stubborn. Then I met 1.5 year old Callie. She was an angel baby and then 14 months hit and she gained her sense of independence and determination. Our house belongs to her now. 
  • Watching these two girls love one another and make themselves laugh until they drool is one of my most favorite things in the world. Callie races to Polly's room first thing in the morning to swan dive on top of her and giggles fill the air. At night they hug, and topple onto the floor into a pile of laughter. It's a bit maddening when I'm ready for mama me time but still melts my heart every time and I have to pause and soak it in. 
  • My nightly walks save me. In the summer I love to get the girls into bed around 8 and set out for a walk on my own. I try to spend as much time with my family as I can but I also find that having time on my own with my own thoughts is so important. 
  • Out of the blue one day Polly said, "This is a sad thing." As if I'm about to hear a heartbreaking story. Then she continues in a somber voice, "I've never had pink cotton candy." Yes kid, life is really throwing some hard punches at you.
  • Her excuses for calling us into her room range from the regular old, "I need to potty." "I need another hug." "I need a drink of water." But some nights she gets creative with things like. "I keep getting sad because I haven't had jello in a really long time and I keep saying I want cinnamon rolls for breakfast but we never get them." We are truly depriving our children with no pink cotton candy, no jello and no cinnamon rolls. The horror.
  • Callie is picking up more words every day but they aren't super clear. We are doing a lot of guessing around here these days. When we clarify her request correctly with a question she does this really cute hushed, smiling, "yeah" as she nods her head. When we get it wrong she screams "NO!" with deep furrowed brow. I wonder where she gets that one from.
  • Two things she says clearly is, "Thank you, Mommy. " when I hand her something she needs and "Bless You Mommy." when I sneeze. These melt my heart.
  • I'm trying to slow down these days and really be in the moment with them. I've been super stressed these last few months for various reasons but none of it seems to be worth letting this time speed by. I have not perfected being in the moment but I'm trying. 

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