Saturday, December 1, 2012

36 Weeks!

Time is definitely passing VERY quickly these days.  In April, December seemed so far away yet here we are with last stretch ahead.  We are mostly ready except I have tons to do to wrap up at work and get the store ready for the holidays.  I am waking up in the middle of the night in a panic with worry that I don't know how to do this parenting thing.  I found myself watching videos about swaddling at 3 a.m. the other night.  By morning though, I've usually come to my senses plus everyone says that it's pretty hard to break a baby.  Sometimes I watch the show16 and Pregnant to make myself feel better about where I am in life and to reassure myself that we're ready.


Wendy said...

You are ready. You are everything the baby needs, even if your swaddling sucks. You are going to be perfect.

Jenny Hershey said...

if you're going to nurse, it is possible to do so lying down. also good to know for 3am. snuggling with a baby rocks!

Anonymous said...

jenny is right. nurse lying down. just make sure you get them into a co-sleeper.I know you'll do so well, chris.

alextheairplane said...

i agree with all of the above-- you'll be great, and northside is full of friends who would love to help you on your new mom crazy days. :)