Sunday, May 3, 2009

Posting Just To Post

I've been struggling to blog regularly since the self portrait series
ended. The warm weather has been drawing me outside and spring
cleaning is in full swing around here. It's a constant cat hair
tumble weed fight this time of year. I am scheduled to have an art
show in October so I have a lot of painting to do between now and
then. I've been figuring that if I can go to work and work 9-5 non
stop on projects that I can bring some of that discipline home with me
and apply it to my art. I just need to form better habits at night
and on the weekend. I need to paint even when I don't quite feel like
it. I need all of you to fuss at me when you don't see posts for days.
p.s. I think I have a second favorite hoodie.

1 comment:

Kimmie and Randy said...

Yes - I was going to comment that I LOVE the hoodie even before I saw that you mentioned it. ADORABLE.