Monday, October 27, 2008


No seriously mom, if you read this don't freak out, I'm fine. You may
call me but you can't be crying. It's fine. I will not move or stop
going for walks or listen to any of your advise as you know. Love you.

Self-Portrait #247 Mugged. So I go to New York, walk around the city
at all hours of the night sometimes alone for a week, come home, go
for a walk at 3:30 in the afternoon on a bright and sunny Sunday to
the library, get mugged and punched in the head three times. Luckily
it feels worse then it looks today. I usually have pretty defined
cheekbones but the right side is looking really exotic today. Maybe
I'll become a model. My ear took a lot of the blow so my jaw will
barely open so I can brush my teeth and I can only look forward. If
you have never been punched in the face, I would avoid it at all
costs. I ended up chasing the guy for a while, not to retrieve my
phone but I was so pissed that he punched me! UGH. 2009 will be my
year. I give up on this one.


frizzlymarie said...

Chris!!!!!!!! I am so sorry that this happened to you. Do you need anything? If Liam was there he would have defended your honor!

Take care of yourself, I will call later.


Kimmie and Randy said...

Well I had plans to get punched in the face later this week but now I'm having second thoughts. I think I'll heed your advice. Maybe you could incorporate your new look into a halloween costume. I'll get back to you on ideas for that. Hope your bruises heal quickly - let me know if I can help!

Alicia said...

I'm so sorry!!!

floresita said...

Oh my God - no way! I hope you heal quickly, stay safe, and that they get the jerk that did this. You have areal gift to find the humor in it - I'd be too sorry feeling sorry for myself. I'll be thinking of you, I hope you feel better soon!

Kara said...

Oh my goodness! Tell me what they looked like & I'll kick them in the head.

carolyn said...

That fucker.

You're still not off the hook for not calling me back.

Becky J. said...

oooooooo...that hurts me... Were you following safety wise?
wish ya the best and speedy recovery.

Mom said...

Yes, I freaked a little when I saw the picture. I know you will not take my advise, but here goes. BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDING. No ear buds. Listen to what is going on around you. Take some sort of protection. Pepper Spray, Mace, Stun Gun, Big bad dog. Love you much!!!

Jessica Coke said...

I am so sorry!!! I can't believe this happened. If there is anything you need, all you have to do it ask. I think once you can eat you have some raspberry squares coming your way. Feel better soon!

beki said...

Yikes! I hope you heal quickly.