- Callie's language is exploding but we still only understand about half of what she says. Good thing she is a determined, expressive little thing. Here are some of my favorites right now:
- She calls windows, boom booms
- She likes to start arguments with Polly about me being HER mommy where she points to me and says "MY MOMMY!" and she wants Polly to argue back with her so they can go back and forth. I see it as practice for arguments in their future. It's also nice to be loved.
- When she wants lotion on her face she says "cheeks", this usually happens as a part of her own growing bedtime routine.
- She likes saying "all done!" when we finish getting her shoes on or changing her diaper.
- If anyone says, OUCH!, Callie says, "Okay?" to make sure you are okay! It's the best.
- Polly is in a very defiant stage right now. Mine lasted...my whole life but I'm hoping it's short lived with her.
- Callie is a cuddle bug. When Polly was her age, I could let her watch a quick show and get a few things done. Callie will tolerate this for a bit but then she wants me to sit down so she can plop her head on my lap.
- Lately when Callie gets mad at Ben and I for telling her no, she runs to Polly crying for hugs. Polly soaks it up. It makes me so glad they have one another even when Callie makes a point to shoot me the evil eye over Polly's shoulder.
- For the last few months when I've tried to sing Callie a song at night she looks at me, unamused, puts her hand up to her lips and goes, "shhhhhhhh". Lately, however, she looks at me and says, "song?" but there are only two songs she wants to hear and if I deviate from the plan she yells "NO!".
- Polly is very excited about going to Kindergarten and becoming a Girl Scout. I'm not quite ready for all of this to happen but I also can't wait to see her little sponge mind grow and grow.
1 week ago